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Appointli is an informative technology company which is providing software services to Personal Care and Hospitality businesses. All information about services are findable on website www.appointli.com and are regularly updated. 

Application and Validity
By using Appointli software you agree with these Terms.

By using Appointli and accepting these Terms, you (hereinafter also referred to as the Customer) enter into an agreement with Appointli, which is a Danish registered company. 

Appointli reserves the right to change these terms without notice, therefore it is the Customer's responsibility to keep up with the current Terms and Conditions at all times. 

Scope of conditions
These general terms and conditions apply to any agreement between Appointli and the customer in all contractual relationships. Deviation from the General Terms and Conditions must be in written form and agreed by both parties. Acceptance of the deviation can be given by email sent from legal@appointli.com.

The product
Appointli provides a complete solution consisting of a reservation system and all the features listed on the website. Appointli gives the customer access to store data on Appointli's servers. Customers are allowed to store data relevant to their businesses, they are not allowed to have large archives of files for free download, including shareware archives, music files, image galleries or video collections. Appointli reserves the right to terminate Customers at any time for violation of this. Appointli alone shall determine whether a violation has occurred. Before taking any action regarding terminating Customer’s content, the Customer will be notified 24 hours ahead. 

If the consequences are too heavy Appointli will terminate Customer’s account immediately.

Customer's obligations
The customer undertakes to comply with Danish law. The Customer is responsible for the legality of the material and information made available to the public, including that the material and information does not infringe the rights of third parties or may cause offense to the public. By creating a domain name, the Customer warrants that he has the right to the name in question and its use does not infringe the rights of others, including trademark rights. The Customer undertakes and is responsible for ensuring that relevant information about the Customer, including name, address, postcode, telephone number, e-mail address, company name and CVR number is always correct within the Appointli system, and the Customer must therefore notify Appointli in writing immediately of any changes to this.

If the Customer decides to change or terminate the contract and further collaboration with Appointli, this can be done by contacting Appointli via e-mail: zdenek@appointli.com

Appointli's obligations
Appointli undertakes to treat all information about the Customer as confidential. However, Appointli reserves the right to disclose the Customer's personal data to the relevant authorities in the event of misuse of the Internet or justified suspicion thereof. Appointli reserves the right to use the sales data for the compilation of general statistics and to use the work carried out as a reference for sales and marketing purposes. 

Appointli's rights
Appointli is entitled to delete, without prior notice, any material which in Appointli's opinion is illegal, offensive or otherwise contrary to good practice. Appointli is also entitled to take down and close down any domains and servers which, in Appointli's opinion, contain material of the aforementioned nature or hyperlinks to the same, without prior notice. Paedophilic, racist or otherwise offensive or illegal material, including images or music, which is not properly owned, may not be present on any of Appointli's servers. This may include images, film clips or hyperlinks to images or similar material. Appointli will, without notice, disable and close accounts/servers that violate the above and the reason for the disablement will be communicated directly to the Customer. 

Appointli considers spam as an abuse of the Appointli's software and thus a breach of the agreement, and reserves the right to disclose personal information to relevant authorities in such cases. 

Appointli reserves the right to change or interrupt the service if necessary to ensure the general operation, even if it is due to circumstances for which the Customer is not responsible. In the event of disconnection or closure due to the Customer's default and/or other breach of the agreement between the Customer and Appointli, any amounts paid in advance will not be refunded to the Customer.

Appointli strives to maintain a high level of security, including appropriate SSL encryption (https) when accessing the system. However, Appointli cannot guarantee against hacker attacks that may cause system crashes and/or loss of data. Losses caused by hacker attacks will therefore not be covered by Appointli. The Customer is responsible for the security of the devices used and of the Customer's own systems. Appointli makes continuous backups, which are kept for three months.

Personal Data
Appointli processes personal data solely on behalf of the Customer. Appointli therefore acts solely as a data processor and acts solely on the instructions of the data controller (the Customer), this agreement being deemed to be an instruction to process data on the data subjects, including end customers. The Customer warrants and is solely responsible that when personal data is transferred to Appointli all legal requirements are met and all necessary consents are obtained in all relevant countries where the Customer uses Appointli, including that:

- Verify and ensure that the Customer can lawfully store personally identifiable data in Appointli.

- Secure third party consent for registration if required.

- Monitor and ensure that data is maintained and, if necessary, deleted.

Appointli shall alone take the necessary technical and organizational security measures against the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or deterioration of data and against the unauthorized disclosure, misuse or processing of data in breach of the law on the processing of personal data. Appointli will, at the Customer's request, provide sufficient information to enable the Customer to verify that the aforementioned technical and organizational security measures have been taken. Appointli uses a subcontractor for hosting the Service and related data. Regardless of the choice of subcontractor, it is ensured that data is stored at all times on servers physically located within the EU.

Prices, payment and card terminal

Upon registration the Customer has a 14 days free trial where the Customer is able to use the software by his needs. However, if the Customer abuses these Terms, Appointli has the right to delete the Customer's account immediately.

Appointli is charging 1,5% per each sale done (booking or e-shop order). These 1,5% are deducted immediately during the online payment. 

If the payment is realized on-site (physically in the salon) Appointli is not charging anything at this moment. This may change and Customer will be notified at least 1 month ahead. Online payment
Online payment is done through Stripe Connect system which is a well-known and secure payment gate. Credit card fee may apply according to Stripe's terms. 

Sms Notifications

Bundles - coming soon.

Appointli is sending an invoice at the end of the month and the Customer has 10 days to fulfill the payment. In case of late payment, interest of 1.5% per month will be charged from the due date until payment is made and a fee of DKK 100.00 will be charged for sending reminders. Any delay in payment shall be considered a material breach of the agreement, and Appointli reserves the right to close the Customer's product in case of delay.

Customers have the opportunity to inform Appointli about delay before the due date and negotiate other processes over an email legal@appointli.com.

Appointli reserves the right to determine the payment dates.

Card Terminal - Coming soon.

Intellectual property rights
Appointli holds the copyright and any other rights to all graphics, images, data, source code and other material developed and/or produced in whole or in part by or in cooperation with Appointli and which forms part of the Customer's solution. In addition, Appointli has obtained permission to include other copyrighted material in the Customer's website and system through agreements with a number of rights holders. Copying this material for other purposes, including the operation of the website or system of another supplier, may therefore constitute an infringement of third party rights. The mentioned rights may not be used in other contexts without Appointli's written consent.

Materials sent to Appointli
Material that the Customer has submitted or delivered to Appointli in connection with the start-up of the main product or the development of a website or other products, will be disposed of or deleted after three months. Appointli cannot be held responsible for material, including hard discs or similar, that is damaged or lost while in Appointli's custody. Appointli therefore recommends that the Customer sends/delivers copies to Appointli. The Customer is encouraged to make a back-up of the material before handing it over to Appointli.

Liability of the Customer
The Customer is responsible for all material made available to the public or otherwise stored on Appointli's servers and is liable in all respects in connection therewith. The Customer shall indemnify Appointli against any loss, including consequential loss and indirect as well as direct loss, which Appointli may suffer as a result of the Customer's actions. 

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Appointli does not make, and hereby disclaims, any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, non infringement and title, and any warranties arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practise. We do not warrant that the services or other products or services provided hereunder, including, without limitation, information obtained from third parties, will (i) be uninterrupted, error-free (or that errors will be corrected), or completely secure; (ii) provide accurate or commercially beneficial results; or (iii) meet your affiliates' expectations. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by your or your affiliates from us shall be deemed to create any warranty not expressly stated herein. 

Force Majeure
Appointli cannot be held liable for circumstances that can be described as force majeure, including but not limited to war, riots, civil commotion, general strike, fire, natural disasters, currency restrictions, import or export bans, interruption of normal traffic, interruption of or failure in the energy supply, prolonged illness of key employees and the occurrence of force majeure at subcontractors.

Notification of Changes
Appointli shall give notice of changes to the agreement with the Customer in cases where the change is to the disadvantage of the Customer. Notification by email address provided by the Customer at the time of conclusion of the agreement is sufficient notification. Changes to the disadvantage of the Customer must be made with at least one month's notice.

Assignment by Appointli to third parties
Appointli is entitled to freely transfer the operation of the product and any associated additional services to a third party without notice, provided that the transfer can be made on unchanged terms for the Customer.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
Disputes between the customer and Appointli shall be settled under Danish law at Appointli's domicile.

Confidentiality Policy
Appointli understands and respects the importance of privacy on the Internet. The business will not disclose information about Customers/users to third parties unless necessary to implement a transaction. Appointli will not sell Customer’s name, address, email address, credit card or personal data to any third party without Customer’s prior permission.

All rights to the system belong to Appointli. By using Appointli, the Customer has acquired a non-exclusive right to use the system, which Appointli may revoke at any time without notice.

Payment options
1,5% per sale is deducted directly during the transfer.
It is possible to pay Appointli's invoice via bank transfer.